

Hurmetli paydalaniwshi @Qaraqalpaqpan telegramda qaraqalpaqsha wikipedia topari'na ag'za boliwin'izg'a shaqirip qalaman Inosham هىخساشة 19:38, 2022 j. oktyabrdiń 13 (UTC)Juwap beriw

Sa'lem Inabat, yaqshı aǵza bolamız Paydalanıwshı:Qaraqalpaqpan (sáwbet) 13:56, 2022 j. oktyabrdiń 14 (UTC)Juwap beriw
Telegramnan @inosham mina akkauntqa xabarlasip Men qaraqalpaqpan degen paydalaniwshiman dep jazip jiberin' iltimas Inosham هىخساشة 13:26, 2022 j. oktyabrdiń 26 (UTC)Juwap beriw
Yaqshı Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov (sáwbet) 13:44, 2022 j. noyabrdiń 4 (UTC)Juwap beriw
Jazıp jiberdim Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov 13:49, 2022 j. noyabrdiń 4 (UTC)Juwap beriw

Assalawma aleykum!

     Maqala baslawshılar ushın qısqa qollanba
Qaraqalpaqsha Wikipediaǵa xosh keldińiz, Qaraqalpaqpan!
  Dáslepki qádemler Wikipedianıń qaraqalpaq tili bólimi paydalanıwshılarınıń atınan sizge jalınlı sálem jollaymız. Bul joybarda qatnasıw sizge yosh baǵıshlaydı dep úmit etemiz.

Birinshi gezekte joybarda qatnasıwdıń tiykarǵı principleri menen tanısıp shıǵıńız: maqalalardı redaktorlawda batıl bolıńız hám bárqulla iygilikli niyetler menen háreket etińiz.

Usı túymeni basıp qol qoyıw múmkin
Wikipediada maqalalarda qol qoyıw shárt emes, sebebi maqala avtorı haqqındaǵı maǵlıwmat avtomatikalıq tárizde qáliplesedi hám bettiń redaktorlanıw tariyxında saqlanadı. Biraq siz forumlаrdа yamasa ayırım betlerdiń talqılawlarında pikir bildirgenińizde qolıńızdı qoyıwıńız kerek. Bunıń ushın pikirińiz sońında qatara tórt tilda (~~~~) belgisin qoyıw yaki redaktorlaw pаnеliniń ásbaplar qatarındaǵı tiyisli túymeni basıw jetkilikli. Bunda atıńızdı (laqabıńızdı) qoldan jazıp otırıwıńız shárt emes.

Ózińizdiń paydalanıwshı betińizde ózińiz haqqındaǵı maǵlıwmatlardı ornalastırıwıńız múmkin — mısalı, til biliw kónlikpelerińiz yamasa qızıǵıwshılıǵıńız sheńberindegi tarawlar.

Eger sizde sorawlar payda bolsa, onda sistemanıń járdem betinen paydalanıńız. Nabada ol jerde qanıqtırarlı juwap ala almasańız, sorawıńızdı joybardıń forum betinde yamasa jeke talqılaw betińizde jazıp qaldırıńız: ol jerge {{helpme}} úlgisin qollanıp sorawıńızdı qosıńız — basqalar sizge anıq járdem beredi.

Nabada siz maqalanı redaktorlawdı qısqa máwlet ishinde juwmaqlay almasańız hám onı sońıraq dawam etpekshi bolsańız, bettiń basına {{redaktorlanbaqta}} úlgisin qosıp qoyıńız: bul basqa paydalanıwshılarǵa sol betti siz redaktorlap atırǵanlıǵıńız haqqında maǵlıwmat beredi. Isińiz juwmaqlanǵannan soń úlgini alıp taslawdı umıtpańız.

Jáne bir márte xosh keldińiz! Paydalanıwshı:Yóldoshev Doniyor

Hello and welcome to the Karakalpak Wikipedia! We appreciate your contributions. If your Karakalpak skills are not good enough, that’s not a problem. We have an embassy where you can inquire for further information in your native language. We hope you enjoy your time here!
  Maqalalardıń atalıwı
  Maqalalardı redaktorlaw
  Ulıwma qaǵıydalar
  Súwretlerden paydalanıw siyasatı
  Avtorlıq huqıqları

Yòldoshev Doniyor (talqılaw) 17:34, 2022 j. dekabrdiń 18 (UTC)Juwap beriw

Wááleykum assalam. Qaraqalpaqpan 13:43, 2024 j. fevraldıń 4 (UTC)Juwap beriw

Assalawma aleykum men aģzaman😊--Gulmiyra (talqılaw) 17:34, 2023 j. marttıń 30 (UTC)Juwap beriw

Translation request


Hi! Could you please translate this to Karakalpak?

  • Lingua Franca Nova (“Elefen”) is a language designed to be particularly simple, consistent, and easy to learn for international communications. It has a number of positive qualities:
  • 1. It has a limited number of phonemes. It sounds similar to Italian or Spanish.
  • 2. It is phonetically spelled. No child should have to spend years learning irregularities.
  • 3. It has a completely regular grammar, similar to the world’s creoles.
  • 4. It has a limited and completely regular set of productive affixes for routine word derivation.
  • 5. It has well-defined rules for word order, in keeping with many major languages.
  • 6. Its vocabulary is strongly rooted in modern Romance languages. These languages are themselves widespread and influential, plus they have contributed the major part of English vocabulary
  • 7. It is designed to be naturally accepting of Latin and Greek technical neologisms, the de facto “world standard”.
  • 8. It is designed to seem relatively “natural” to those who are familiar with Romance languages, without being any more difficult for others to learn.
  • We hope you like Elefen!

Thanks for your help Caro de Segeda (talqılaw) 05:49, 2023 j. maydıń 30 (UTC)Juwap beriw

Dear @Caro de Segeda. Kindly see the translation of your text into Karakalpak language:
Lingva Franka Nova («elefen», Lingua Franca Nova, LFN) — bul xalıq aralıq baylanıslar ushın arnalǵan, qaǵıydaları júdá ápiwayı, izbe-izlikke tiykarlanǵan hám ańsat úyreniw maqsetinde jaratılǵan til. Ol bir qatar unamlı táreplerge iye:
1. Bul tilde fonemalar sanı sheklengen hám ol fonetika jaǵınan italyan yamasa ispan tillerine uqsaydı.
2. Ol fonetikalıq tárepten ańsat dúzilgen. Hesh bir bala kóp jıllar dawamında turaqsız fonetikalıq qaǵıydalardı úyreniwi shárt emes.
3. Bul til pútkilley turaqlı (qaǵıydalardan shetlewlersiz) grammatikaǵa iye bolıp, kreol tillerine uqsap ketedi.
4. Ol sóz jasawshı affikslerdıń sheklengen hám pútkilley turaqlı kompleksine iye bolıp, bul tilde sózler birdey jol menen jasaladı.
5. Sózlerdiń gáptegi tártibi boyınsha kóplegen tiykarǵı tillerge sáykes keletuǵın hám anıq belgilengen qaǵıydalarǵa iye.
6. Bul tildiń sóz baylıǵı zamanagóy roman tilleriniń kópshiligi ushın tiykarǵı túbir wazıypasın atqaradı. Roman tilleri házirgi waqıtta dúnya boylap keń tarqalǵan hám ornı girewli, sonıń menen birge olar ingliz tili sózliginiń tiykarǵı bóleginiń payda bolıwına xızmet etken.
7. Lingva Franka Nova latınsha hám grekshe texnikalıq neologizmlerdi tábiyiy qabıllaw ushın ıqshamlastırılǵan, yaǵnıy de-fakto «jáhán standartı»na juwap beretuǵın til.
8. Ol roman tilleri menen tanıs bolǵanlar ushın salıstırmalı «tábiyiy» kóriniste jaratılǵan bolıp, basqalar ushın da onı úyreniw qıyın bolmaydı.
«Elefen» sizge unaydı dep úmit etemiz!
Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov 09:47, 2023 j. iyunnıń 14 (UTC)Juwap beriw
Thank you so much for your help. Caro de Segeda (talqılaw) 09:48, 2023 j. iyunnıń 14 (UTC)Juwap beriw
How would you say "Introduction in Karakalpak"? Caro de Segeda (talqılaw) 12:36, 2023 j. iyunnıń 14 (UTC)Juwap beriw
You mean «Introduction with Karakalpak language» (starting learning)? Or you are asking about the translation of the word «Introduction» into Karakalpak language? Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov 13:28, 2023 j. iyunnıń 14 (UTC)Juwap beriw
Something like "Introduction (to LFN) in Karakalpak" Caro de Segeda (talqılaw) 05:47, 2023 j. iyunnıń 15 (UTC)Juwap beriw
Sorry, you mean simple «Introduction», beginning of something.
a) It's - «Kirisiw» if it's about introduction pages of Articles, Essays, Course Works, Diploma Works.
b) It's - «Sóz bası» if it's about 2-3 introduction pages at the beginning of books (mainly it's used in books only or big novels).
In some books also sometimes can be used «Kirisiw». So «Kirisiw» is more common form. Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov 06:53, 2023 j. iyunnıń 15 (UTC)Juwap beriw
Thanks. Do you speak Uzbek, by any chance? Caro de Segeda (talqılaw) 10:42, 2023 j. iyunnıń 15 (UTC)Juwap beriw
Actually I understood it, but not very properly, because it's not my native language. If you have a small question about it, I can help you. But if there is a translation of text into/from Uzbek, it's better to ask somebody, whose native language is Uzbek language I think. Thank you for understanding. Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov 11:51, 2023 j. iyunnıń 15 (UTC)Juwap beriw
Thank you for you help and your answer. All the best for this Wikipedia project! Caro de Segeda (talqılaw) 15:37, 2023 j. iyunnıń 24 (UTC)Juwap beriw

Need your input on a policy impacting gadgets and UserJS


Dear interface administrator,

This is Samuel from the Security team and I hope my message finds you well.

There is an ongoing discussion on a proposed policy governing the use of external resources in gadgets and UserJS. The proposed Third-party resources policy aims at making the UserJS and Gadgets landscape a bit safer by encouraging best practices around external resources. After an initial non-public conversation with a small number of interface admins and staff, we've launched a much larger, public consultation to get a wider pool of feedback for improving the policy proposal. Based on the ideas received so far, the proposed policy now includes some of the risks related to user scripts and gadgets loading third-party resources, best practices for gadgets and UserJS developers, and exemptions requirements such as code transparency and inspectability.

As an interface administrator, your feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome until July 17, 2023 on the policy talk page.

Have a great day!

Samuel (WMF), on behalf of the Foundation's Security team 12:08, 2023 j. iyuldıń 10 (UTC)Juwap beriw

Dear @Samuel (WMF), thank you for the information.
I will join to the discussion, if I have some opinions.
Have a nice day! Qaraqalpaqpan 11:38, 2023 j. iyuldıń 11 (UTC)Juwap beriw

Translation request



Can you create the article en:Laacher See, which is the third most powerful volcano in Europe after Campi Flegrei and Santorini, in Qaraqalpaq Wikipedia?

Yours sincerely, Multituberculata (talqılaw) 10:55, 2023 j. iyuldıń 11 (UTC)Juwap beriw

Hello @Multituberculata, thank you for your interest in Kaawiki.
Nowadays I'm working on the localization of one complicated gadget.
Once I complete the planned task, I will translate the page Laacher See.
Thank you for understanding. Qaraqalpaqpan 09:14, 2023 j. iyuldıń 12 (UTC)Juwap beriw

Translation request


Hello, Qaraqalpaqpan.

Can you translate and upload the article about the prominent Turkish economist en:Dani Rodrik in Qaraqalpaq Wikipedia?

Kindest regards, Oirattas (talqılaw) 17:52, 2024 j. oktyabrdiń 14 (UTC)Juwap beriw