
Dıqqat: Ózgerislerińiz kóriniwi ushın jańa sazlawlarıńızdı saqlaǵannan keyin brauzerdiń keshin tazalaw kerek:
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/* permet dans l'actualité de mettre en surbrillance le jour courant */

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/* Display "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" */
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/* Bold 'edit this page' link to encourage newcomers */
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/* Display "User $1, you are already logged in!"
   ([[MediaWiki:Alreadyloggedin]]) in red and bold */
div.alreadyloggedin { color: red; font-weight: bold; }

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       Do not print certain classes that shouldn't appear on paper */
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/* Makes the background of a framed image white instead of gray. 
   Only visible with transparent images. */
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/* interlignage des titres de pages : utile pour les titres « à rallonge » */
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/* Namespace icon area */
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/* Featured articles */
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/* Good articles */
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/* For positioning icons at top-right, used in Templates
   "Spoken Article" and "Featured Article" */
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/* try adding here, this had no effect in [[MediaWiki:Common.css]] */
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 display: none !important

#coordinates {  